Sonoma Vino is the best way to search for wineries inside Sonoma County Wine Country. No wine knowledge is necessary because Sonoma Vino uses search filters familiar to everyone. Build a customizable itinerary of wineries that interest you using the Winery Finder or the Adventure Planner from the Home Screen.
The -Home Screen- will display the links for the Winery Finder, Adventure Planner and the About Sonoma Vino. In addition it will display the itinerary of selected wineries based on your customized searches which you can remove if you change your mind.
-Winery Finder- is an alphabetical list of every winery in Sonoma County. To narrow your search you can use the many features listed above the wineries such as the Open Now, Closest, Location and More Filters. When you find an interesting winery you can click on it to view the full Winery Bio.
-Winery Bio- displays information about the particular winery that you selected. Information about the winery includes: Phone Number, Address, City, Website, Map, Hours, Last Pour Time, Appellation, Tasting Fees, Private Tasting Fees, Bottle Price Range, Case Production, Flagship Wine and Winemaker. In addition it displays all of the More Filters information.
-Open Now- will search for wineries that are still open. ie. Its 4PM and you want to know who is still open simply press the Open Now filter to view this information.
-Closest- will search for wineries that are nearby your current location.
-Location- filters wineries based on Wine Appellation or city within Sonoma County.
-More Filters- advanced search criteria for wineries within Sonoma County. Common criteria such as: Artwork, Appointment Only, Sparkling Wine, Bocce Ball, Unfiltered Wine, Caves, Dog Friendly, Estate Wine, Family Operated, Gardens, Historical, Mansions, Organic, Olive Oil, Picnic Grounds, Views, Public, Tours, Private Tastings, Sweet Wine, Single Vineyard Wine, Distribute, Non Distribute, Kid Friendly, Complimentary Tasting With Purchase and Weddings.
The -Adventure Planner- is a list of filters that allows you to view a list of wineries in Sonoma County based on the multiple filters you choose. Filters are the same as the More Filters inside the Winery Finder.
-About Sonoma Vino- contains information about the creators and contact information for Sonoma Vino.